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Nanii Davies is deeply committed to giving back to her community through a variety of impactful initiatives. By offering sponsorships, engaging in charity work, and providing advisory services, Nanii strives to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Her dedication to supporting those in need highlights her strong sense of responsibility and community spirit.
ABC’s Nakari Thorpe interviews Nanii about the ReVive Prison work-release program.
The McGrath Foundation is an Australian organization dedicated to supporting people experiencing cancer.
Nanii is a foundation member of McGrath’s First Nations Advisory Board. Learn more here.
ReLove is a charitable organization who supports vulnerable families and individuals who are experiencing hardship.
Each year, Nanii donates an original artwork to be auctioned, with 2024’s artwork raising enough money to support eight families in crisis.
Learn more here.
The AWCCS provides support to Aboriginal women and children experiencing domestic violence through various Aboriginal Women’s
Outreach Services within the
Inner West Region of Sydney NSW.
Nanii provides in-kind support to the board members and CEO.
Learn more here.
Djurwa is an Indigenous-owned joint venture between Yalagan Group and BINGO Industries. A dedicated profit-for-purpose organisation, Djurwa empowers people experiencing incarceration with meaningful employment. Nanii leads their ReVive prison-release work program. Learn more here.